Well, it's a new school year. Another reminder that time just keeps on ticking.
I've had a great summer break filled with lots of different things.
I got to spend some good quality time with my mom, helping her go through her things and figure out who to give things to and what to donate. Overall, it's a sad experience because this needed to be done since
she's dying and she wants to be able to complete this chore so we don't
have to do it after she's gone.
It was hard, sweaty work going through closets and boxes and bags of stuff. But I tried to push the sad feelings back and enjoy the nostalgic moments we shared. Some of the items and clothes I had never seen before or didn't remember so she was able to tell me her story about them or remind me about them. Some of the stuff was from my childhood, especially since my sister and I both came home from the hospital to that house and spent our entire lives there until we moved out on our own. It was a good experience with no crying, just a lot of laughter and love and I'm eternally grateful I got to do this "chore" with her. I realize that this might become my most treasured memory that she could give me.
I got to do a lot of traveling this summer as well: Estes Park, Las Vegas, Denver, Julian, and of course, Wyoming. I also went camping three times. I didn't think I would enjoy camping at all but it kind of grew on me. I have definitely realized that two nights of camping, even with an air mattress, is my max!
I went through enormous stacks of documents deciding what needed to be shredded and what needed to be filed. Not a fun job but a necessary one. Once it was done and those stacks of papers aren't cluttering the counter tops and piled up in the garage, that purge, felt good and I feel lighter now that it's finally completed.
I still had a couple of things on my necessary to-do list that didn't get done, like going to the dentist, going to the doctor for my annual checkup, and updating my will, which hasn't been changed since Jeff died. I guess those things will need to be fit in during the school year or moved to my fall break to-do list.
Overall, I had a fantastic whirlwind six week summer break filled with a ton of fun and a sprinkling of necessary chores. I think that was a good balance.
Now it's over and I'm back to fresh faced middle schoolers who will attempt to suck the life out of me. But, just like my necessary summer chores, I'm ready for the challenge.
Bye, bye summer break!
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